We Help You Lose Weight, Get Strong, And Feel The Best You've Felt In Decades With A Transformational Combination Of Individualized Workouts, Personalized Health Coaching, Powerful Life-Changing Mindset Strategies, And Good Old-Fashioned Caring. 😃

Justin, Janell, Badger, & Bucky

We Help You Lose Weight, Get Strong, And Feel The Best You've Felt In Decades With A Transformational Combination Of Individualized Workouts, Personalized Health Coaching, Powerful Life-Changing Mindset Strategies, And Good Old-Fashioned Caring. 😃

“Before joining The Transformation Club in Fall 2017, every time I lost weight it found its way back. I was constantly on the weight loss roller coaster. It turns out all that cardio I was suffering through wasn’t what I needed…

My experience at The Transformation Club has been truly life-changing! It is the most welcoming community and I have made so many friends. I’ve also learned so much about nutrition, exercise, and mindset. The Club’s approach to a healthy lifestyle and becoming the best version of yourself is like no other...and they really care about you as a person.

My results at The Transformation Club have been spectacular. I’ve lost 9% body fat and I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I am no longer on that roller coaster and I have a healthy relationship with food. My personal relationships have improved as well. Plus, I’ve learned to take better care of myself, which has made me a much happier person!

I feel so blessed to have The Transformation Club in my life. I will continue to be a member for years to come…”

Jane Soderberg

To Learn More About Our Programs, Click the Button Below Based On Your Goals At This Time:

Is The Transformation Club Right For YOU?

Let’s Find Out…
Before we answer that question, we first want you to know how truly happy and grateful we are that you’re here. With all the choices available to you both locally and online, it means the world to us that you’re considering The Transformation Club as your fitness home.

Now, let’s see if we can get that question answered and set you on the right path…

Is The Transformation Club right for you?

Well, our mission at The Transformation Club is to educate, motivate, & inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU.  We do this with a transformational combination of individualized workouts, personalized health coaching, powerful life-changing mindset work, and good old-fashioned caring.

If that sounds good to you, keep reading…

Through coaching thousands of people over the last few decades, we've found that most people, especially those of us over 40, struggle with losing weight and feeling healthy.

Often, they feel alienated or overwhelmed in gym settings, leading them to rationalize their absence with reasons like being "too busy."

Deep down, their desires are simple yet profound - they yearn to look and feel their best, to be brimming with energy, and to exude confidence. They envision a future where they can actively engage with their children and grandchildren, without the constraints of age or health. Moreover, they hope to provide their kids with a different narrative, one where they aren’t burdened with the caregiving roles many find themselves in with their aging parents.

However, a significant misstep occurs in their journey…

They equate health solely with the digits on a scale.  

This misconception drives them towards weight loss boot camps, unused gym memberships, or the relentless cycle of dieting. Without establishing sustainable health habits, they inevitably revert to their initial state, or sometimes, find themselves in a worse position!

The crux of the issue isn't just the weight. It's a mindset that has been deeply ingrained, leading to repetitive, unsatisfactory outcomes...  

Coupled with unaddressed hormonal imbalances that contribute to weight gain, their overall health and self-worth deteriorate.

The solution lies not in transient weight loss programs or restrictive diets...  

Instead, it's about transcending these temporary fixes. It's about fostering a renewed mindset and establishing a handful of pivotal habits that lay the groundwork for lasting health and fitness.

And, THAT is exactly what we teach you to do at The Transformation Club.

It’s about so much more than just a great workout…

Yes, with our proprietary training methodology, you’re going to build muscle, burn fat, increase strength, improve mobility, build a rock-solid core, and “bulletproof” your joints. You’re going to look, move, and feel better.

In addition, and just as important in our book, you will develop strong self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-love so that you can show up powerfully in every area of your life.

Finally, we will give you the knowledge, tools, and resources to develop “food freedom”, get off the diet & exercise carousel (going round and round from program to program), and stop riding the weight loss roller coaster (losing, gaining, losing, gaining, on so on) once and for all.

If you’re still with us, the next question is…

Where Do I Start?

Well, we have two options for you depending on your goals and desires, and, quite frankly, we’re your head is at…

The first is our no-risk, no-obligation 28-Day “Test Drive”. 

This is for people who are simply looking for a great place to work out that’s appropriate for them but aren’t interested/concerned with going deep with nutrition, mindset, stress management, or other health improvement goals.  

The 28-Day “Test Drive” is for you if:
a) You’re only ready to “dip your toe” into transformation...
b) You already have the rest dialed in and just need a great training gym with skilled coaches...

The second option to get started is for people who are ready to (perhaps really need to) make a significant transformation…

This likely isn’t “your first rodeo” when it comes to trying to lose weight, get in shape, and improve your health. But, you’d certainly like it to be your last!

You’ve lost weight before … only to find it again.

You’ve joined gyms in the past … but never stuck with them.

You’ve tried just about every diet … but none of them work (long term).

And, now, you’re READY...

Ready to get off that diet & exercise carousel and stop riding that weight loss roller coaster once and for all! 

You don’t just want to try another gym out. You want a complete solution that works.

If that resonates, then our signature T.R.A.N.S.F.O.R.M.A.T.I.O.N. program is right for you. :-) 

But, Wait - Do This First:

Now, before you select your starting point, we highly recommend you click the red button first to get your copy of Justin’s special report, The Transformation Guide.

It’s like a compass to sustainable health and lasting results...

If you decide to participate in either program with us, The Transformation Guide will help you get the most out of it.

And, even if you decide to go somewhere else for your fitness needs, The Transformation Guide will help you get the most out of it.

So, click the red button, fill out the form, and we’ll email it to you:

NOTE: After you submit the form, you’ll be taken right back to this page so you can take at the program that's right for you by clicking on either the blue or green button below…

To Learn More About Our Programs, Click the Button Below Based On Your Goals At This Time:

Alright, to quickly recap your next steps:

(1) Click the red button and fill out the form
(2) Once back on this page, click the blue or green button for the program information you want


Owners of The Transformation Club

P.S. - You CAN Get The Body You Want, Have More Energy, And Feel Totally Confident… Starting RIGHT NOW!

Real People. Real Results.

To Learn More About Our Programs, Click the Button Below Based On Your Goals At This Time:





1363A Park Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 | 952-224-4852